The Different Types of Narcissists

Sally High
4 min readFeb 13, 2022


The different types of Narcissists. There are several types of narcissists. It can be hard to identify them if they’re someone close to you. This post will be your quick cheat sheet to identifying:

  • What a narcissistic
  • The different types they are
  • Common traits.
  • How to seek help for yourself or others.

What is Narcissism anyway? It is defined as an inflated sense of self-importance or ego. This is a trait more commonly found in men but is not exclusive. They have a tendency to guilt trip those around them. Also gaslight and manipulate/disregard others’ feelings. They also lack empathy. Handling criticism is not easy for them to do.

Being in a relationship with a narcissist can be incredibly taxing. It is not all too uncommon to constantly feel worn and beaten down. Narcissism can act like a poison. The manipulator slowly introduces this poison until you excuse their behaviors. You are left wondering if something is wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you.

The Different Types of Narcissists

Diagnosing a narcissist can be challenging. There are general tendencies of each type. If there are any similarities you notice between yourself and someone you’re in a relationship with, seek help. We are here for you.. This is an axisII diagnoses. This means it is a personality disorder. At best it can be managed.

Overall, every Narcissist has the same goal. Whether they are aware or not. Most feel extremely insecure. They find the need to control and tear down the ones close to them.

Overt Narcissist :

The Overt Narcissists has a deceiving amount of charm. The overt type is your typical bully. They prey on the most vulnerable. Especially the codependent. They do this by humiliating them to perceive bigger, better, and to “win.” They’re highly competitive. This leads to aggressive behaviors. Anything to be right and win.

Covert N arcissist :

Covert Narcissists are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They often come off as helpless and have a victim complex. Be wary of the drama cycle, they’re best at manipulating to their advantage.

Exhibitionist Narcissist:

Exhibitionist Narcissists are perhaps the easiest Narcissist to spot. They are extremely materialistic and overly prideful of their status. The tendency to flaunt and gain attention or admiration through means of “proving” they are better than others. Being with them leaves you often feeling like you’re always taking the back seat.

Malignant Narcissist :

Malignant Narcissists are extremely dangerous to those around them. These people are incapable of feeling empathy and can often be diagnosed as a psycho or sociopath. They truly only have themselves and their goals in mind. They are not the slightest bit interested in who or how it affects those around them. This includes physically, emotionally, and sexually.

Common Narcissistic Traits & Examples

Many traits of the narcissistic feel the same. However, they can be disguised by several different behaviors. Here are some common red flags to watch out for:

  • Gas lighting
  • Guilt tripping
  • Excessive attention seeking
  • Excessive need for validation/admiration
  • Inflated ego/self perception
  • Putting others down, and many other things.

Has someone you know constantly guilt tripped you by saying something like “If you don’t go with me, I guess I’ll have to go all alone…” or perhaps something more extreme like “If you leave, I’m scared I’ll hurt myself!” This is a sense of manipulation commonly used.

Gas lighting is a common tool in a narcissist’s arsenal. As a result, you feel unprepared when confronted. They’ll try to make you question your own statements, and make you double guess yourself. You start to think this is normal behavior. Inevitably, they use this technique and many others as a distraction to their advantage to exploit the kindness of others.

Where to Seek Help

What you can expect from therapy: Therapy at High Expectations Counseling is a personalized and catered journey. It is designed to equip you with the tools to change your approach. It’s time for you to heal from the toxicity. Start to stand up for yourself. Become aware of narcissistic tendencies before they take place. We have trained therapists that are ready to help.

Meet the team and choose a therapist to have a 15 min phone consultation today.

Appointment Information

Book an appointment with us today. Your emotional wellbeing is important to us. We want to equip you with the powerful tools to protect yourself and heal from toxic relationships.

Originally published at on February 13, 2022.



Sally High
Sally High

Written by Sally High

Licensed mental health counselor and owner of a private practice in Orlando, FL. Working with couples, teens, children, individuals, families, groups.

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