Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Dialectical behavioral therapy and strategies for emotion regulation. Emotion regulation is a technique used in dialectical behavioral therapy. It is designed to help people with mood and personality disorders. It helps to stabilize your emotions. Unstable emotions can affect physical and mental health. Also relationships. The following strategies assist with mood stabilization.
We don’t want to be led by our emotions our whole lives. They are just passing thoughts that drive emotions. Furthermore, If you can control your thoughts then you can control your emotions.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Keep a Journal
Keeping a journal is a good way to express emotions and thoughts without fear of judgement. It also helps you establish patterns in your emotional state. Extreme emotions can be caused by physiological states. Some areas affected are; sleep deprivation, hunger, and psychological triggers. Anything that you consciously or subconsciously associate with a bad memory. If your emotional responses to situations seem disproportionate or irrational, you may be experiencing triggered emotions. Keep notes on every extreme or irrational emotional experience. Include your physiological state, recent social interactions, and strong sensory experiences. This may be a familiar song or scent. Review your journal regularly. Find common triggers that affect your emotional state.
Know Thyself
Determine your social needs. Figure out whether you are an extrovert, or an introvert. Who in your life expends energy? There are many quizzes online that categorize people as extroverts or introverts. The most accurate measure is your own self-reflection. Assess your energy level and mood before and after social interactions. Write a weekly plan of your typical social commitments. Use your self-assessment to determine if this needs to change.
Be Aware
Mindfulness means using your whole mind to complete an activity. To practice mindfulness, use all of your senses when doing a task. Notice what you see, hear, smell and touch. If you experience thoughts or feelings unrelated to the activity, dismiss them. Adding mindfulness into your daily routine can stabilize your emotions. It can also increase your self-awareness. The practice should decrease feelings of agitation and distress.
Be Healthy
Unhealthy habits, such as eating junk food and drinking alcohol, can affect your emotional stability. It is important to eat regular and balanced meals. Minimize your sugar and caffeine intake. This avoids energy spikes. Spikes are short-term increases in energy, followed by crashes. They can induce negative emotions. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Whole grains to sustain a healthy energy level. Regular exercise can help regulate mood. It releases endorphins, which cause natural positive emotions. Therefore gentle exercise, such as walking, and yoga can be a great benefit.
Ride the Waves
Experiencing an emotion without judging or fighting it can be difficult. It is essential for minimizing distress. There is a technique that makes this easier. When you start to feel a strong emotion, close your eyes and visualize the emotion as a wave. Watch it increase in intensity. Eventually the wave will peak, and the emotion will gradually decrease. Practice this when you experience extreme emotions. It will help to protect yourself from further emotional distress.
Hit High Notes
Work, chores and family commitments can be overwhelming. To manage the stress of responsibility, plan one positive event each day. The event can be anything that brings you joy and relaxation. Record these events in a diary, alongside any unplanned positive experiences.
Talk About It
Talking to a therapist, friend or partner can help you manage extreme emotions. Emotions can be triggered by thoughts. Judgments are common and can be directed externally. We tend to take it out on people and situations, or internally. Talking about thoughts and emotions helps to reduce the intensity of judgments, Protecting you from the emotional response is an advantage..
Get Proper Rest
Try to sleep for seven to nine hours a night. Too much sleep can cause lethargy. For an optimal sleep pattern, wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. Extreme emotions can affect your sleep pattern. Good sleep hygiene can help you maintain a regular sleep pattern. In the evening, have a warm bath and a hot, milky drink. Ensure your bedding, nightwear and body are clean. These habits can help you optimize your sleep pattern.
Find Your Center
Reflect on your work-life balance. Determine whether you want to adjust it. Being overworked or under-worked can cause stress. Analyze how you feel about your current work schedule. Determine any changes needed to enhance your life. Consider the way you spend your free time. Some people choose to fill their time with activities, commitments and volunteer work. Others prefer to relax, engage in low-intensity activities and minimize travel and social commitment. Analyze the way you spend your free time and work out your ideal balance. Extreme emotions can be a reaction to an unbalanced life. Organizing your time to suit your individual needs can reduce stress and unpleasant emotions.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Strategies for Emotion Regulation
Emotion regulation is a skill that takes time to accomplish. It will not get rid of extreme emotions. It can protect you against distress and help you manage emotions. These techniques can be used daily, and will become increasingly effective with practice. Working with a therapist at High Expectations and utilizing dialectical behavioral therapy can be a very useful tool. Give it a try and call us today at 407–967–1327.
Originally published at https://lifecounselingorlando.com on August 11, 2021.